automation case study: ashgate hospicecare

by | Jun 15, 2021 | embracent news, intelligent automation

With hospices having to re-think how they deliver care following the pandemic, the work we are doing with Ashgate Hospicecare will provide valuable insight to help identify efficiencies and opportunities. Many organisations have similar arduous and time consuming processes in need of reviewing. They are also in need of clinical insight, namely the analysis of patient care and hospice activity, along with commercial insight – the assessment of donations received, likely donors and how to fundraise even more efficiently. Ashgate Hospicecare aimed to:

  • eliminate manual and repetitive processes undertaken every month to generate various reports
  • empower their team to focus on value adding tasks
  • ensure the most up to date data was being used in order to make improvements where needed

Learn more below…



AI for Onboarding: A glimpse at the not-so-distant future for HR Directors

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has experienced a breakthrough year in 2023. But how we embrace AI and Machine Learning (ML) without losing sight of the bigger picture – and how we can be “better together” – is a conversation that we should all be having.

With that in mind, we invite you to see how AI has impacted Santa Clause this year in our short Christmas video.

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